Author Guidelines PDF file
Cover Page Template Paper Template Copyright Transfer Agreement FormAuthor Instructions
The manuscript must not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be submitted in English and concisely written. The page limit for the submitted paper should be 20, double-column pages, including tables and figures. The paper pages should be consecutively numbered throughout. The length of the paper abstraction should do not exceed 300 words. Manuscripts exceeding these guidelines may be returned to the authors. In the submitted paper, the name of the authors, their affiliation, and acknowledgement should be excluded.
Introductory discussion should be kept to a minimum and the material published elsewhere should be referenced, not reproduced. The material not essential to the continuity of the text should be placed in the Appendices. Formulas must be numbered. Figures (or pictures) and tables, with captions, must be numbered and referred to in the text. Tables must be self-explanatory. Even if the figures (or pictures) are reduced in size for publication, they should be sufficiently large and clear enough not be affected by the process. If the figures or pictures are not original, the author should request permission from the relevant authors and this should be referred or remarked on the caption of the figure. References must be numbered in the order of occurrence and referred to in the text by bracketed numbers. All abbreviations are tagged in parenthesis when they initially used.
The author(s) of this article has (have) verified that its article is original and that it does not violate any other publisher's rights nor does it contain matters that may disgrace or invade privacy. It is the policy of the IDEAS (Innovative Defense Acquisition Society) to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes. Authors are required to obtain company clearance before final publication.
In general, author of each accepted manuscript will need to fund the processing fee, which is a very nominal fee used for provision and maintenance of publication infrastructures and for dispatching one hard copy of the issue. But because this journal is operated by online progress, author do not need to pay for the processing fee, currently (2019.01-2019.12).
Preparation for Initial Submission and Publication
- Author Checklist
- Regular Paper Format
- Brief Paper (Letter) Format
- Copyright Form
- Cover Page